Hyper-Pop: SINK SWIM (2022)

Hyper-Pop Video Art by Betty Sargeant

Duration: 1:43. Medium: 4K videography, typographic messaging and graphic design.

This video art piece SINK SWIM Hyper-Pop reveals how extreme weather has an impact on people’s lives. The oversaturated colour and extreme eye-fatigue video style highlights the urgency of the global climate situation. Betty created this video art piece in Karachi, Pakistan. Her unique hyper-pop style shines through the video’s combination of field footage, graphic design and typographic messaging. The discordant visual aesthetic and flash editing creates a sense of urgency for the viewer.

Betty Sargeant - Hyper Pop

This artwork features video footage collected by Betty while she was in Karachi (Pakistan) with the Karachi Biennale. She came to this landscape with presence and intention and pays respect to the culture, lives and struggles of the peoples and these lands.

Betty has created numerous video artworks. BUY-SELL is a video artwork featuring Batticaloa Sri Lanka. It was developed during her time at Dinacon 2022.  WOW! STUFF! is a video artwork featuring Batticaloa Sri Lanka. It was also developed during her time at Dinacon 2022.

Betty Sargeant lives and works on the unceded land of the Yaluk-ut Weelam clan who are Boon Wurrung people. We pay respect to ancestors, elders and communities.